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Assigning Restriction Groups

In addition to setting a restriction group on the tutor group or borrower record card, this can be assigned within the restriction settings themselves.

This will enable you to tailor restrictions for a variety of reasons. You can use this to increase the length or amount of loans to a selection of avid readers. You may need to do the opposite for some, and limit loans to those who often forget to return or do not look after the resources they borrow.


Open the library system and load the Management page. Click 'Settings' on the menu bar at the top of the page and then select 'Restrictions...'.

When the 'Restrictions...' box has loaded, select the 'Borrowers' tab.

The default restriction is "RESTRICTION_NORMAL". This means that a base allowance for loans, renewals and reservations can be applied to any new borrower when added. This allows them to utilise the system straight away, with some basic limits. These base values can be altered as necessary in the Options tab

Select the restriction group you wish to assign to the borrower or tutor group to and click 'Edit' then click on the 'Members' tab.

To add an individual borrower to this group, click the 'Add Borrower' button.

A Find box will open, search for the Borrower you wish to add to this restriction group, click them and then 'Select'.

The Borrower you selected will then show under the 'Borrowers' heading.

To add a 'Tutor Group' to this restriction group, click the 'Add Tutor Group' button and select the group you wish to add.

Click 'OK' to save any changes.