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Can I Email a Reminder to a Tutor Group?

To email a reminder to a tutor group first either an email or form tutor needs setting up.

Log into the Reading Cloud as either an administrator or librarian user then go to Management (or 'Manage Library' or 'Librarian Only') and select the 'Tutor Group' option on the left-hand side.

Double click on the tutor group you wish to set an email address or from tutor for. To set an email enter the email address into the 'Email' box on the tutor group record card.

Alternatively, if the form tutor has a borrower account with an email address click the 'Find…' button then enter their forename or surname in the 'Quick Search' box and select them. This will assign their email address automatically. 

You can send the reminders either using the scheduler or manually on an ad hoc basis.