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Data Retention

When you are using a library system that is hosted by Reading Cloud, we take great care to ensure that your data is looked after and regularly backed up. The backup procedure is configured automatically during your conversion, which means that from the moment you move to a hosted system, your data is being protected and backed up.

A backup of your hosted website is taken every 5 minutes, which are kept for 35 days to allow more accurate restores to take place if you need them. For backups older than 35 days we retain the backup taken at the start of the week up to 3 months. These backups are stored at the data centre.

After 3 months the backups are automatically deleted.

If you wish to terminate your contract with Reading Cloud, the valid notice period will need to be completed which is in the terms and conditions along with the completion of Reading Cloud cancellation form. As the data controller/owner, Reading Cloud will request instruction on provision of your data as part of the cancellation form. If you so wish, you will be provided your library data in a universal format file (CSV file). After 90 days if there has been no response the data will be removed from all our systems including backups. They will then be available for a further 35 days before they are removed from the Azure platform completely.

For a summary of our data retention policy please see below:

  • SFTP logins and folders will only be kept active for 60 days.
  • Customer data files will be destroyed within 90 days of a support Incident being closed.
  • Customer data files will be destroyed within 180 days of the customer go-live for data conversion work. This is to allow for both school holidays and issues where corrections may be required.
  • Masked data will be destroyed either within 90 days of any related support Incident being closed, or at the end of a time period agreed with the customer.
  • Information relating to support incidents is to be held within CRM for 6 years+ current. This does not include screenshots, or data files.

Similarly to keeping data up to date and accurate, it is the responsibility of the data controller to ensure the data stored within the library system is deleted when it is deemed no longer relevant. The data controller will determine the retention period for the recycled borrowers. Reading Cloud have provided the tools within the library system to remove borrowers. Once a borrower is removed from the borrowers recycle bin all associated information e.g. loans, reviews, and reservations are also removed.