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Reservation Slips

When a resource is reserved while on loan then returned to the library, a reservation slip is generated. This slip is normally printed off and cut in half, one half is provided to the tutor listed on the slip, they can then provide this slip to the borrower at the next opportunity. The other half is put with the resource, just to double check when the borrower comes to pick it up. 

By Default, reservation slips are generated when a reserved item is returned. For Junior Circulate, this setting needs to be enabled but this occurs in Senior Circulate by default.

To manually print a reservation slip:

  • Select 'Reservations' on the left-hand menu.
  • Select the reservation required and select 'Print Slip' in the right-hand menu.

The slip will then be generated as a PDF.

The slip can be customised in the Reservation Settings.