Resource Restriction Settings
The settings in the Resource Restrictions window allow you to tailor restrictions for all resources of a particular type. This will allow you to set limits on the loan duration, amount of renewals, active reservations and the year groups that can check out these resources. This is also where you can specify fine rates for the resource type, if fines are in use in your library.
- 'Loan Period' is the number of days a resource is issued for, by default this is set to 21 days. This is used to calculate the day a resource is due back.
- 'Maximum Renewals' is the number of times a resource can be renewed by any one borrower. For instance, if this is set to 2 then a borrower can only renew the item twice before the system prompts that no more renewals are allowed and the resource must be returned.
- 'Maximum Reservations' is how many borrowers can reserve the title at any one time.
- 'Maximum Fine' limits the amount of money that can be accrued when a resource is overdue. For instance, if the maximum fine is set to 3.00 then when a fine on this resource reaches that limit it will not increment further.
- 'Fine Rate' defines the amount a fine will be increase each day it is overdue. For example, if the fine rate is 0.20 and the resource is overdue by 3 days, the current fine will be 0.60. If the fine rate was 0.10 then the current fine would be 0.30.
The settings under 'Not Allowed To' define which year groups and tutor groups can and cannot borrow this resource. This is helpful when a resource has been obtained purely for one year or group. For example, if the resource is only allowed for borrowers in year 9 then all groups apart from those belonging to year 9 can be prevented from borrowing the resource by ticking each group apart from year 9. The 'Select All' and 'Clear All' options tick and untick all years or groups.
Please note that the features regarding fines are not usable by those with a Junior Reading Cloud subscription. If you are a Junior school and wish to introduce fines, please speak with your account manager.
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