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Restoring Recycled Borrowers

When a borrower has been recycled accidentally or they have returned to the organisation, you can restore them to the main borrowers table. If the borrower has been deleted from the recycled records section then it is not possible to restore them, they will need to be added again.


Restoring a Borrower

Log into your library system and load Management.

Select  'Borrowers' from the left-hand menu to load a list of all the currently enrolled borrowers and click 'Recycled Records' in the right-hand menu.

Locate the required borrower in the list by using quick search or advanced search. 

Once the borrower you wish to restore has been located, click to highlight them in the grid then select 'Restore' from the right-hand menu.

A prompt will display requesting confirmation of this action. Click 'Yes' to proceed and restore the record.

By default, when a borrower is recycled, the group they are assigned to is changed from their group name, to 'Leaver XXXX (Old Group GroupName)', 'GroupName' is the name of the borrower's tutor group and 'XXXX' is the year that the borrower was recycled (Leaver 2020 (Old Group 11H)). This process is reversed when a borrower is restored so 'Leaver 2020 (Old Group 11H)' becomes '11H' once more.