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Search Cloud Moderation

The Reading Cloud offers the flexibility of being able to moderate the search words that appear in the search cloud on the front page, or disabling the cloud completely.

Note that by default, the systems cloud is left un-moderated, but there are certain expletives that will be prevented from displaying. 


Moderating the Search Cloud

To access the search cloud moderation options, log into the library system as an administrator user and open Management, select 'Settings' on the menu bar at the top of the page and then select 'Cloud' from the list. 

A window will open displaying the phrases students have searched on the left. To use the Custom Cloud (and to moderate the words shown in the cloud), tick the box for 'Use custom cloud'.

When this option is ticked the system will display only the words and/or phrases that are displayed under 'Custom Cloud Words'. To add phrases or words to the cloud, highlight the word in the left list and click the right arrow to move the text across. The reverse can be used to remove words from the custom cloud. 

You can also use the box below the 'Custom Cloud Words' box to add your own searches to the cloud. Type a word into the box and press 'Add' and it will be added to the custom cloud. 


Disabling the Search Cloud

To disable/remove all words the Search Cloud, untick the box for 'Use Custom Cloud' at the bottom, leave the right box empty and press 'Ok'. Now when viewing the home page, the search cloud will be empty.