Adding a new Tutor Group
A borrower cannot be enrolled without belonging to a tutor group, therefore it is vital that the tutor group they will be a member of is in place first.
This only applies to adding borrowers/groups manually, when using a CSV file to import data the groups are automatically created.
Click 'Tutor Groups' on the left menu. Alternatively, select 'Database' from the menu at the top of the page then select 'Tutor Groups' from the list.
Click 'New' under Records on the right menu.
A Blank Tutor Group record card will then appear.
There are 2 mandatory fields on a tutor group record, the rest are optional.
- Group Name
- Year Group
Once the desired information has been entered, click 'Save'.
The tutor group will then display in the list of tutor groups and borrowers can be added into this group.