Borrower Record Card - Advanced Tab - Other Information Section
The Other Information area holds the borrower's management ID, RFID and site name. These fields are optional, but it is recommended to enter the correct Management System ID of a borrower.
The Management ID is a unique identifier which is allocated to the student from the Management System used in your organisation. The field referenced in this system may not be labelled Management ID however, it may be called Student Reference, Pupil Number, admission number or various other names. Check with the person responsible for managing the Management System for more information. This field is particularly important as it is used to match Borrowers when importing via CSV or an automated method.
The RFID field is for storing the RFID string associated with a borrower if this implementation is being used in your organisation. Type the correct RFID number for the borrower into the text box or scan the RFID card to add it. To Erase any text in this field, click 'Erase...'.
The 'Site Name' box allows the borrower to be assigned to a designated site if you use a multi-site license.