Borrower Record Card - Details - Borrower
The first part of a borrower record card covers the forename, surname, title and gender. The 'Forename' and 'Surname' boxes are both mandatory whereas the 'Title' and 'Gender' are both optional. Some of the reports use the gender to compare borrowing statistics so we advise this is entered.
Next are the date of birth, age, group name, year group, house and set. Use the calendar icon next to the 'Date of Birth' box to select the date of birth or type one in using a forward slash to separate the day month and year. 'Age' is calculated automatically based on the date entered the 'Date of Birth' box.
The 'Group Name' box displays a list of all groups present in the Tutor Groups table. It is not possible to create a group by typing one in, if you need to enter a group that is not here, you need to create it first. The group name is a required field.
When a group name is selected, the 'Year Group' box will be automatically populated with the year group of that group. If this needs to be altered (for example when using vertical Tutor Groups), change the year group to the correct number by typing this in. A 'House' and 'Set' can be selected from the relevant boxes. To add a new house or set, simply type one in.
The next group of boxes are for the ethnicity, contact numbers, email and language as well as tick boxes for free school meals, pupil premium and special educational needs.
An ethnicity can be typed in, or selected from the list if others are present already. The contact numbers are 3 separate boxes for 'Telephone', 'Work' and 'Mobile'. These are optional fields that can be entered if required. A language can be selected from the 'Language' list.
The 'Free school meals', 'Pupil Premium' and 'Special Educational Needs' tick boxes are optional, they can be ticked to reflect the data kept in your MIS. This data in particular can be used to create reports and find reading trends.
The Photograph section is on the right-hand side of the record card. This is where the photograph of the borrower is stored and can be deleted or updated if necessary.
Click the icon to update the photograph with a webcam if one is connected.
Click to browse for an image file such as a PNG, JPG or JPEG.
If a photograph is already present and needs to be deleted, click the icon.