Change Password Boxes
Throughout the library system there are a number of boxes where you are able to change a password, such as changing a borrower's password via their record card or those for certain settings.
Please note, These boxes are not linked to the administrator password.
When clicking a 'Change Password' button in the library system you will be presented with the 'Change Password' box.
Notice there is no option for the old password, this is because if you are needing to change the password here, the old password has been forgotten. Enter the new password into both the boxes.
Some change password boxes, such as the one on a borrower record card, will require a minimum complexity requirement as set by you in Password Manager, if your password does not meet the minimum requirements, a red box will display next to the 'New Password' box.
If a red box appears next to the 'Confirm Password' box, then the passwords entered into the two boxes do not match.
When both boxes are green, press 'Save' to change the password.