Creating a Periodical Article Using the New Resource Window
To catalogue a periodical article, log in to your library system and load the Management page then click 'Resources' in the left-hand menu.
Click 'New' in the right-hand menu and select 'Periodical' from the cataloguing screen.
On the cataloguing screen, select 'Periodical' then select the 'Periodical Article' option.
Next to the 'Periodical Title' field, click the 'Find' button. Select the 'Periodical' Issue that you wish to attach the article to and click 'Select'.
This automatically fills in the 'Title', 'ISBN', 'ISSN', 'Issue Number' and 'Volume Number' fields. In addition, notice that the barcode field is also unavailable. This is because an article is not a physical resource, like the Issue.
Click 'Continue' to launch the record card.
The details on the catalogue record have been entered automatically, due to them being pulled from the parent record (the Issue). The details on the article record card are also noticeably different from the Issue record card. The fields on this record card should be used to describe the content of the article, using the 'Title', 'Index' (so the reader knows where in the Issue to find it), 'Author' and 'Summary' fields.
Click 'Save' after making any changes.