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Current Loans

The Current Loans table in Management is where you can track all your current and overdue loans. From here you can print lists of loans and send reminders to the borrowers. 

To access the Current Loans table, load the Management page and select Current Loans on the left of the screen. 

 From here you can fully monitor all resources currently on loan. You can use the quick or advanced search feature to filter the page, and then use the blue bar at the top of the page to sort the records as you wish. If there is a format you would like to use regularly, you can also create a page view so you have something to back to regularly. You can then print the records showing on screen if you require some form of report. 

From the Current Loans Table you can also manually generate all types of reminders, which can be either emailed directly to the borrowers, or generated as a PDF and then printed off to be posted or handed to the borrowers directly.