Data Cleanse Replacements and Removals
Data Cleanse allows you to tidy up your data en masse in very specific ways and to ensure that any future occurrences of erroneous data will be corrected.
To access data cleanse, log into the library system and load Management. Then select 'Database' on the menu bar at the top of the page, select 'Lookup Maintenance' from the list then either 'Data Cleanse Remove' or Data Cleanse Replacements'.
Data Cleanse Replacements
Replacements allows you to set a specific format for certain data sets which would not be picked up in Data Tidy.
For example, lets say you have a number of resources in your system that were published by A&C Black, this is something that could be entered in one of many ways. You can think of all ways this could be entered then set the replace to change them so that they are all uniform.
Data Cleanse Removals
Removals allows you to specify words to be removed, similar to replacements but these words would be removed rather than replaced with something.
You can specify as many words as you like, each in their own individual line. These can be expletives, words that could cause offense, or things that may not be age appropriate. These words will no doubt vary from school to school so you can create your own custom list.
Once these tables have been set up, you will need to turn them on via Data Tidy and then schedule the task to run.