Exporting Data From Management
In all Management tables, the on-screen data may be exported. This is helpful in situations where you wish to analyse the data in third party applications. For example, you can export data from the current or past loans tables and then use excel to create custom reports, you may need to export a list of certain borrowers for a school report, or you may need to export a list of resources for a stock check or because you are supplying them to another library.
The export function will export all records that are currently shown on screen. If you only want to export certain records, you should filter the list first using Quick Search, Advanced Search, Flagging or Page Views.
Click on 'Export' under 'Records' on the right-hand side of the screen.
Select the format of the file you wish to create and click 'Export'.
- CSV - (Comma Separated Values) A CSV will use a comma to separate each value in the data and each record will be on it's own line. Excel or other spreadsheet software can normally interpret this and will split the data out into separate cells.
- TSV - (Tab Separated Values) Similar to a CSV, a TSV will use a Tab space to separate each value in the data and each record will be on it's own line. Excel or other spreadsheet software can normally interpret this and will split the data out into separate cells.
- XML - (Extensible Markup Language) An XML file uses a set of rules to format the data so that it is readable by both machines and people. At first glance it may look a lot like computer code.
- Bib1 (MARC) - (Machine Readable Cataloguing) A MARC file may be one of the options you are most familiar with as this is often supplied by a book supplier when purchasing new books.
Your browser handles the file download, so the file will be downloaded in the usual manner for your browser.