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Friends and Chat

Reading Cloud comes with a built-in friends and chat feature. Borrowers are able to search for and add other borrowers as friends, they can then chat with their friends in a safe and moderated space. 



To be added as a friend, a borrower must have first logged into the library system at least once. Therefore they will need to have login credentials set up first. 

Once logged in, the borrowers can go to 'Profile' on the menu bar and then under 'My Friends' they can see a list of suggested friends. From here they can also see a list of current friends, all requests and search for other friends. They can click 'Send friend request' to send a request to the other person. 

From the 'Received Requests' section, borrowers can then approve, reject or ignore requests. Any requests made will also show up in the notifications section. 



Once two borrowers have sent and accepted a friend request with each other, they are able to chat with one another via the reading cloud interface. 

A borrower can select the 'Friends' option at the top of the page to see a list of all friends they can chat with. They can then select 'Send message' to open a chat window at the bottom of the page. 

Messages can be sent and received through this chat window, borrowers can then also report any abusive messages to the librarian.