Reading Cloud comes with a built-in friends feature. Borrowers are able to search for and add other borrowers as friends, certain things, such as status updates, will then only be available to those marked as friends.
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To be added as a friend, a borrower must have first logged into the library system at least once. Therefore they will first need to have had login credentials set up or use SSO.
Once logged in, the borrowers can go to 'Account' on the menu bar at the top of the homepage.
On the Overview tab, the borrower will see up to three of their friends, there is then an option to view all friends.
Clicking this, or selecting the 'Friends' tab, will load the the Friends area.
Here the borrower will see a list of all the other borrowers that are added as friends by a friend request being sent and accepted between them. They can also click 'Find Finds' to search for any friends they do not yet have.
To the right they will see a list of other borrowers they may know, they can click 'Add Friend' to send them a friend request.
At the bottom of the page, they can see all requests they have been sent. Here they can accept, ignore or reject them.
They can see any requests they have been sent that they have ignored. They can then accept or reject them if they wish.
They can also see any requests they have sent, they can then cancel them if they were sent by mistake.
Sent and received friend requests will also appear in the notifications section at the top of the borrower portal.
A full list of all current friends can also be seen by selecting 'Friends' in the top-right corner of the Borrower Portal.