Importing Optional Data With RC Intake
There are a number of fields that are mandatory when importing borrower data via RC intake such as the borrower's name, tutor group, year group and a few others. There are also a number of optional fields that can be imported, these come in handy for a number of reasons such as linking with your active directory for SSO logins, sending reminders to the borrower or their guardian, or running reports.
To import additional data, log into your Wonde portal and navigate to the Permissions.
Here you will see the lists of mandatory and optional fields imported by RC Intake. To import an additional field, simply locate and enable it.
For example, to import email addresses, expand the 'Student' list, then under 'Students contact details read', find and enable 'Students email read'.
The next time RC intake runs, your new data will be imported.
If you are struggling with this process at any point, please reach out to Wonde support via