Installing and Utilising Fiddler4
- Click here to download Fiddler.
- Select 'Fiddler Classic' and then 'Try For Free'.
- Accept the EULA, provide an email address, location, and reason for downloading the software (Website Analytics monitoring).
- Select 'Download for Windows' and save the executable file in a convenient location (You may need to complete a CAPTCHA authentication).
- Begin the installation process, running the executable as administrator.
- Agree to the license agreement then select 'C:\Program Files (x86)' as the install location.
- Select 'Install' then close the window once the installation is completed.
- The application should be accessible by performing a windows search for 'Fiddler4', if not run the 'Fiddler' application from the installation directory (as administrator).
- Within the application select 'Tools' then 'Options' and select the 'HTTPS' tab.
- Ensure 'Decrypt HTTPS traffic' is ticked.
- Agree to the installation of the fiddler root certificate (enabling decryption of HTTPS traffic on the system).
- Restart Fiddler, load Reading Cloud and ensure traffic is captured.
Utilising Fiddler
After initial installation is completed and HTTP/HTTPS traffic is confirmed as being captured, in the interest of providing tangible data to help diagnose the performance issues, the fiddler application should be kept running in the background while the Reading Cloud is operated.
Saving a Fiddler Log
If and when performance issues are encountered it would then be necessary to save a log of the traffic that was captured when using Reading Cloud and provide this to us.
- Select 'File' then 'Save' and Select 'All Sessions…'
- Save the log in a convenient location in a '.saz' format.