Loading Senior Circulate
There are two ways you can load Senior Circulate as an administrator.
If you want to load Circulate first and don't need to load Management, you can load it directly from the homepage.
Once you are logged in as a user with access to Circulate, such as the administrator, librarian, or even a library helper, you can select the 'Circulate' option on the homepage menu bar.
Student Circulate is for use by borrowers themselves, this can be unlocked so that it can be accessed without logging in.
Admin circulate is the more advanced and feature rich version of Circulate.
Admin circulate can also be loaded from Management if you have loaded that first, simply select the Circulate option on the left-hand side of the page.
You can also select 'Tools' on the menu bar at the top of the page and select 'Circulate' from the list.