Marking Multiple Resources on the Floor Plan
It would be a time consuming process to add all records on a floor plan one by one. Fortunately there is a built-in utility that can mark an unlimited amount of records on the floor plan in one go, providing you have already created and uploaded a floor plan.
Log into the library system and open Management, ensure the Resources table is open by clicking on the 'Resources' icon to the left of the window.
Select the resources you wish to add to the Floor Plan. This can be done using flagging or advanced search.
Once the resources to be updated are selected, select 'Tools' on the menu bar at the top of the screen and select 'Floor Plan...' from the list.
On the Floor Plan window, select the appropriate floor plan from the box in the top left, the floor plan will then load into view.
Click a location on the floor plan to designate all of the selected resources to that point. Note that a blip will flash to confirm the location you have selected.
Click 'Apply' and a prompt will display asking to confirm whether the resources selected should be assigned this location on the floor plan. The number of records will be displayed.
Click 'Yes' to confirm and these resources will now be assigned the selected location on the floor plan. Another prompt will display to confirm if the operation was successful.
This process can be repeated as many times as necessary using the above steps for different resources and positions on the floor plan.