Nielsen BookData
Our Discovery Online book information is provided by Neilson BookData.
Nielsen provide comprehensive, enriched and timely bibliographic data.
Nielsen is the leading provider of book related data services to more than 100 countries worldwide. They collect book information from over 70 countries (including the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa) and work closely with the leading data providers in the US to ensure they have the most consistent and comprehensive global database of title records available.
One of the key factors in their success is the very close working relationship they enjoy with publishers of all sizes, all over the world. With their Discovery services established as the primary source of product data (used by retailers, Internet sites, libraries and specialist services), publishers who supply them with new product information immediately gain visibility for their books on the international market. The Nielsen book database, which now holds over 30 million title records, is available to booksellers, libraries and publishers worldwide to inform buying decisions.