Quick Search Settings
The quick search box does not search every field, using the quick search settings, you can specify which fields the quick search will look through in both Management and the home page.
This would mean you can search for a barcode number without getting resources with that number in its ISBN. Or search for resources by author without getting books by similar authors because their name is in the summary.
Be aware that altering these settings will start a full rebuild of your quick search, This may cause your library system to slow down slightly and present incorrect searches while it rebuilds. We recommend only doing this out of hours unless absolutely necessary.
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Log into the library system as an Administrator (not librarian) account and open Management.
Click on 'Settings' in the menu bar at the top of the page and select 'General' from the list.
Select the 'Quick Search' tab.
To begin altering the quick search fields, select the table the changes are to be applied to from the box in the top-left under 'Table'. If you want to change the quick search settings for the homepage, select the resources database, this ties into the homepage.
The fields that are currently searched through are shown on the right under 'Selected Fields', a list of all available fields are shown on the left.
To add a new field, select it from the Available Fields list and press the arrow pointing to the right to move it to the Selected Fields list. If you cannot immediately see the field you are looking for, try expanding some of the tables in the left list for more options.
To remove a field, select the option in the right column and click the arrow pointing to the Left.
Click 'OK' to save and apply the changes.
These changes can take up to 30 minutes to apply.