Reading Cloud Mobile App
The Reading Cloud app gives you and your students access to a number of the library system features from the convenience of your mobile phone or tablet without having to use the browser version.
The Reading Cloud app can be downloaded from the Play store, Apple store or the Kindle app store.
Once installed, the app will ask you to log in. You can use the same username and password to access the app as you would at the school. Find the school in the first box using the postcode or school name and then enter your login details and press 'Login'.
The options available once logged in, depends on the access rights of the user. An administrator or librarian user will have more options available to them than a standard borrower.
The options under the 'Account' header are the same for all users.
- My Account - Allows you to view any resources that are currently on loan to you, overdue or reserved. You can also view your past loans and view and write reviews on them.
- My Library Barcode - Displays a barcode on screen, this barcode matches your personal barcode number and can be used to identify you in circulate.
- Log Out - Does just that, it will log you out and return you to the log in screen.
Unsurprisingly, the options under the 'Librarian' heading are only available to users with librarian or administrator access rights.
My Library
The options under 'My Library' are the same for all users, these various options allow you to search the library system for what you want.
- Search - Search for a resource by title, series etc.
- eBooks - Search through all the eBooks and Audiobooks.
- ISBN Search - Search for a resource by ISBN, this allows a student to find a book in a shop or public library, scan the ISBN in this search and see if it is available in the school library.
- Top Ten - View the 10 top books in the school library.
- New Arrivals - View the resources most recently added to the library system.
- Latest Returns - View the resources most recently returned to the library.
- News - View any news articles posted by the librarian.
- Book of the Week - View the current book of the week.
- Who Next? - View your who next recommendations.
- Latest Reviews - View the most recent resource reviews.
- Dashboard - Only available to librarian/administrator users, this option matches the dashboard in the browser version. It allows you to view and report on stats such as library usage by gender, resources currently on loan/overdue, or resources issued last month.
- Community Stats - Available to all users, this option shows stats across all customers, such as the top 100 most popular authors, or top 100 most popular fiction or nonfiction split by gender. These stats can be filtered by a number of date ranges and split by primary and secondary.