Understanding Barcode Masks
When creating or editing a barcode mask, it is essential to fully understand the different symbols and the purposes of the different sections of the barcode mask area.
Barcode Mask
The barcode mask is what reads the barcode when it is scanned, therefore it needs to depict what the barcode currently looks like, not what you want it to look like.
In Mask you need to enter one symbol for every character of the barcode. if the character is a number(0-9) use a hash #, if the character is anything else use a question mark ?.
- 02856 - #####
- RS17784Q12 - ??#####?##
- A2501264 - ?#######
Do not use anything other than a hash or question mark in a barcode mask, you cannot use a specific character in a barcode mask, even if every barcode has that very character.
Modification mask
The modification mask is used when what is shown in the library system is or needs to be different from what is shown when scanning in notepad, and that difference is not simply leading 0s. If you do not wish to edit the barcode, or the only change is removing leading 0s, leave the modification mask blank.
In Modification Mask you again need to enter one symbol for each character, this time a question mark ? if the character is to be kept and a percentage sing % if it is to be removed.
- 02856 - Modification Mask = <Blank> - 02856
- RS17784Q12 - Modification Mask = %%?????%%% - 17784
- A2501264 - Modification Mask = %%%????? - 01264
Return the Value
The Return the Value tick box is used to remove leading 0s from the barcodes. Return the value takes place after the modification mask, so if you have leading 0s after removing a leading character, they would then be stripped.
With Return the Value ticked:
- 02856 - Modification Mask = <Blank> - 2856
- RS17784Q12 - Modification Mask = %%?????%%% - 17784
- A2501264 - Modification Mask = %%%????? - 1264