Writing Blogs
The reading cloud homepage allows borrowers to write blogs on the books they have read or any other topic they choose.
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Reading Blogs
Select the 'Blog' header on the menu bar of the homepage to load the Blog page.
Here a borrower can read blogs written by other borrowers, review and read their own and write a new blog. The current blogs can be filtered by a date range and whether written by the current borrower, other borrowers or everyone.
Writing a Blog
Select 'Start a post' to open the interface to write a blog.
Give the blog a title, then apply any tags you would like to associate with the blog, these could be the name of the author of the book in question, the overall series, the genre/dewey class of the book or anything else that could help other users find this blog.
In the main body of the box, write out the blog post. Use the text formatting options to customise the blog and when happy, press 'Save'.