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Viewing Reservations

Reservations Table

  • Log into your library site with admin credentials.
  • Navigate to Management.
  • Click on the 'Reservation' tab to the left-hand side of the screen.

It is possible to search the reservation table, change the sort order or create a page view to show required information.


Resource Record

Within a Resource record, it is also possible to view who has placed a reservation on the item.

  • Navigate to Management.
  • Click resources on the left-hand side.
  • Search for the resource in question.
  • Select it.
  • Click 'edit' on the right-hand side under records. 
  • Click on the 'Reservations' tab and a list of all current reservations will be displayed.


Borrower Record

It is also possible to view an individual’s reservations through their Borrower record within the Borrower table.

  • Navigate to Management.
  • Click 'Borrowers' on the left-hand side.
  • Search for the borrower in question.
  • Select it.
  • Click 'edit' on the right-hand side under records. 
  • Click on the 'Reservation' tab and the borrower's current reservations will be listed.



Within Circulate, once a borrower has been located, it is possible to view their reservations. To view the current reservations, click on the 'Reservations' tab. In addition to a borrower making a reservation themselves, you can also use this tab to reserve a resource on their behalf.