Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computer based program from Renaissance Learning that schools can use to monitor reading practice and progress. It helps teachers guide students to books that are on their individual reading level.
Our integration with AR, allows you to add the book's level, quiz number, AR point score and AR interest level. Views and reading lists can be created based on these variables, allowing students to search for books and resources at their reading level more easily.
Scheduling the AR Data Import
To check when the AR Quiz List task last ran (and schedule this to run on a regular weekly basis), select 'Tools' from the menu bar at the top of the management page and select 'Schedule' from the drop down menu.
You will see all the tasks you can schedule to run in the background. If your AR task has already run, you will see a timestamp under 'Last Run' on the 'AR Quiz List' row.
If there is no timestamp under 'Last Run', click the clock icon in line with the 'AR Quiz List' task. This task can only be scheduled to run on a Monday at 18:00 local time (your time). You will notice you are unable to alter any of the settings on this task as it is time locked. To schedule the task to run, click the 'OK' button at the bottom of the box and the task will run at 18:00 next Monday. You can also press the green arrow next to the task on the main screen, and it will run at 18:00 today.
If you wish to disable the task, open the box, tick the 'Disable Schedule' box and press 'OK'.
Viewing the AR Data and Printing Labels
Now that the AR information has been imported, you may wish to have this information displayed on the physical resources through a label. This can be easily completed using label print.
- Ensure the you are in the Resources table in Management by selecting 'Resources' from the options down the left of the screen.
- Select 'More...' from under 'Views' in the bottom right corner of the screen
- Find and single click the view called 'Books with Quizzes',
- Press 'Select'. This will now display all of the Resources that have AR Information.
To print labels for these, either select 'Modules' from the menu bar at the top of the page and then select 'Labels' then 'Label Print' from the list or select 'Label Print' from the right-hand side of the Management page.
In the 'Label Print' window that appears, select the 'Renaissance Learning' label, and then select 'Run'.
If you are using a label sheet that has been partly used, you can set the starting label in the next window, or just select 'OK' to print labels starting from the top left corner if using a full sheet of labels.
You will then be presented with a pdf document containing the generated labels. We recommend you save this document to your machine and then open it using Adobe Acrobat/PDF Reader. When doing so, ensure that the document is set to 'Actual Size' and the print orientation is set to 'Portrait'.