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Account Tab

The Account tab allows borrowers to customise their personal profile, create an avatar, manage their friends list and home library, and keep track of their library usage. 

The circle to the left of the borrower's name allows them to customise their avatar.

Below their name there are seven tabs, each providing information and the ability to manage the account. 


Overview Tab

This provides a quick overview of the borrower's profile. Down the left they can write a short autobiography which will show when another borrower loads their profile. 

They can also write status messages that will show on their timeline and the timeline of their friends.

To the right is a quick overview of their loans and reservations.

The friends section will show up to three friends, but there is an option to view all. 

The My Likes section shows a list of all resources, authors and profiles the borrower has "Liked" using the thumbs up icon. 


Library Usage Tabs

Current Loans shows all resources currently on loan to the student. From here students can write/edit reviews and open or return ebooks. 

Past Loans shows all resources they have borrowed and returned in their time at the school. As with current loans, borrowers can write and edit reviews from here. 

Reservations shows all resources the borrower has reserved for future use. They can also unreserve here if they have changed their mind.

Reviews shows all reviews of resources that the borrower has written. Along with the rating and whether or not it has been approved. The review can also be edited from here. 


Social Tabs

Friends allows the borrower to manage their friends list. 

Home Library allows the borrower to manage their home library resources.