Borrower Import - Moving Old Groups to Leavers
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Before you import your new borrowers, you need to remove old groups containing borrowers that have left. This process will recycle both the modified groups and that group's borrowers.
There are two ways you can remove your leavers, you can use the Move To feature, or you can delete the old groups. If you are importing your new borrowers and updating your current borrowers via CSV, deleting the old groups is a much more convenient method, as it is much faster.
If you are moving your groups up manually using the Move To feature and then adding your new borrowers manually, the Move To feature may prove more useful, as it can be combined to both move existing borrowers up and remove leavers at the same time.
Vertical Tutor Groups
When you have 'vertical' tutor groups you will not be able to apply the steps in this topic due to the groups containing borrowers from multiple years. Instead of moving groups to the 'Recycle Records' section, you will need to remove your leavers from the borrowers table.
Modifying Each Group
Before the groups can be 'moved', it is important to first mark all the groups that are to be moved.
Log into you library site.
Click 'Manage Library' or 'Librarian Only'.
Click 'Tutor Groups' on the left-hand side.
Click on the appropriate group to modify then click 'Edit' on the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
The Tutor Groups record card will open displaying the information that is currently stored for that group.
Click on the 'Move To' tab. By default, there will be a dot in the 'Ignore' radio button.
Click the radio button labelled 'Leavers'.
Click Save to retain the changes.
Repeat this process for all groups that are to be removed, if any are left set to Ignore then the removal process will have no effect on them.
Moving Tutor Groups
If you are using the Move To feature to move your borrowers up into the next year as well as remove leavers, do not action the move and instead mark existing groups for their next years.
Once each group has been set to 'Leaver', you need to action this change.
- Move to Mode - Indicates whether a group is to be moved. If this is empty or set to Ignore this means that the group is not being moved.
- Move to Name - Shows the name of the group the currently group is being moved to.
- Move to Year Group - Displays the year group to move the group into.
Once confirmed, click 'Move Tutor Groups' from the menu on the right.
The following prompt will display. Click 'Yes' only if you are sure, it is not possible to reverse these changes.
The groups will be moved to leavers and into the recycle bin.
By default, when a borrower is marked as a 'Leaver', the group they are assigned to is changed from 'GroupName', to 'Leaver XXXX (Old Group 'GroupName')', where 'GroupName' is the name of a borrower's tutor group and XXXX is the year that the borrower was recycled. For example, if a group that is recycled in 2013 is labelled '11H' then this group will be renamed to 'Leaver 2013 (Old Group '11H')'.
This process is reversed when a borrower is restored so 'Leaver 2013 (Old Group '11H')' becomes '11H' once more.
Next Steps
If you are using a CSV, you can now obtain the CSV and import it.
If you are adding borrowers manually, you will now need to move your existing groups and borrowers up into the next year.