Borrower Logon Details
There are two ways to assign login details to your borrowers, via a CSV, or via password manager in the library system itself.
Using Password Manager in the Library System
The default method is to use password manager to set the borrower's usernames and passwords en masse.
Once logged in, the students can change their assigned password to one of their own choice to make their accounts more secure. If students cannot remember their log on details, you can reset them when signed in as the administrator or librarian via the 'Advanced' tab of the borrower's record card in Management.
Using a CSV
This method is best used when you wish to use login details that are unique to the school and not those offered by the library system.
A CSV can be used to import the logon name and/or password for you borrowers by including them as extra fields in a standard CSV. The CSV still needs to contain the 7 mandatory fields but can include as many or as few optional fields as you require.
This method can be used to update existing students or in conjunction with importing new borrowers.