Exporting a CSV - Any other MIS
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If you can export a CSV file from your management system (MIS), it can be imported directly into the library system.
When using an MIS that we have not provided specific instructions for, we have a list of instructions which the format of a CSV needs to meet.
Most management systems provide some way to export data to txt, csv, tsv etc. Usually this is done by creating a report and exporting the data but depending on your MIS it may be done another way. If you are unsure how to export data from your system, contact the provider of your MIS.
When editing a CSV ensure to use a text editor such as Notepad.
Mandatory Fields
The first line of the CSV file should always contain the column headers. Of these headers, there are certain fields that are mandatory and are always required. Ensure that the following headers are present in the CSV file.
Column Header |
Description |
ManagementSystemID |
Unique alphanumeric value which identifies the borrower within the administration system |
Forename |
The borrower's forename |
Surname |
The borrower's surname |
DateOfBirth |
The borrower's date of birth. DD/MM/YYYY |
Gender |
The borrower's gender. M, F, Male and Female are all accepted |
TutorGroup |
The class/tutor/registration group that the borrower belongs to |
YearGroup |
The year the borrower is in |
All fields shown in the table above must be included within the CSV file, the order of the headers does not matter. If any one of these headers is missing, the file will not import.
When a CSV file is produced there are certain settings that need to be in place:
- Each field should be surrounded by quotation marks
- Each field must be separated by a comma
It is not required that each header/value is within quotation marks, but it is recommended. This is because in some cases, the data you wish to import may contain a comma (,) and it is easy for the fields to become offset.
Once the CSV is formatted correctly each value should be separated by a comma with no spaces and within quotation marks.
Additional Fields
The fields shown in the following table can also be imported into the application in addition to the required fields.
Field Name |
Description |
LibrarySet |
The set the borrowers belong to |
House |
The house the borrower belongs to |
Barcode |
The borrowers barcode number *(see note below) |
LogonName |
The logon name a borrower can use to log into the application |
Password |
The password a borrower can use to log into the system |
Title |
The borrower's title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr) |
Address1 |
The first line of the borrower's address |
Address2 |
The second line of the borrower's address |
Address3 |
The third line of the borrower's address |
Address4 |
The fourth line of the borrower's address |
Address5 |
The fifth line of the borrower's address |
Address6 |
The sixth line of the borrower's address |
Postcode |
The borrower's postal code |
TelephoneNumber_Home |
The borrower's home telephone number |
TelephoneNumber_Work |
The borrower's work telephone number |
TelephoneNumber_Mobile |
The borrower's mobile telephone number |
The email address of the borrower |
Ethnicity |
The borrower's ethnicity |
DateAdded |
The date that the borrower was added |
The RFID value assigned to the borrower |
Note that you cannot update existing records by including the barcode in the CSV.
As many or as few of these fields can be added in addition to the mandatory fields but if any of the mandatory fields are missing then the CSV will fail to import into the system.
Guardian Details
In addition to the additional fields you can specify for the borrower, guardian details can also be added.
The table below lists the fields you can import as guardian details and a description of what the field is.
Field Name |
Description |
Guardian1_Title |
Guardian 1's title |
Guardian1_Surname |
Guardian 1's surname |
Guardian1_Forename |
Guardian 1's forename |
Guardian1_Address1 |
Guardian 1's address line 1 |
Guardian1_Address2 |
Guardian 1's address line 2 |
Guardian1_Address3 |
Guardian 1's address line 3. |
Guardian1_Address4 |
Guardian 1's address line 4 |
Guardian1_Address5 |
Guardian 1's address line 5 |
Guardian1_Address6 |
Guardian 1's address line 6 |
Guardian1_Postcode |
Guardian 1's postcode |
Guardian1_Email |
Guardian 1's email address |
Guardian1_TelephoneNumber_Home |
Guardian 1's home telephone number |
Guardian1_TelephoneNumber_Work |
Guardian 1's work telephone number |
Guardian1_TelephoneNumber_Mobile |
Guardian 1's mobile telephone number |
There are two lots of guardian details that each borrower can hold. To import the second set of guardian details (i.e. 'Guardian 2') then change each field from Guardian1 to Guardian2.
When you have created a CSV file following these instructions, you can import the CSV file using the 'WBLS' option.