Checking if Your Scanner Needs Reconfiguring
If you are having issues scanning barcodes in your library system, it is important to know if there is anything wrong with your scanner before carrying out any changes. The way to do this is to open notepad on your computer and scan a barcode into it.
Start by opening notepad on your computer, click into the notepad so that the cursor is showing there. Now with the barcode scanner plugged into the same machine, scan any resource or borrower barcode you have to hand, even an ISBN.
What you want to see is a tilde symbol ( ~ ) followed by the barcode number and the cursor on the next line.
If the tilde symbol is missing or the cursor is not on the next line, the scanner needs to be reconfigured. If everything is correct, the tilde symbol is there and the cursor has moved to the next line, your scanner is not faulty and does not need to be reconfigured, the issue is likely either the format of the barcodes on the resource record cards, or the barcode masks.