CSV Import - Logon Name Field Causing Auto Matching Issues
A CSV file can be used to add additional borrower information to the library system. One such additional field is the 'Logon Name'.
However, when importing a CSV file that contains the 'Logon Name' field, if any of the logon names specified in the file are already taken by another borrower, upon import, records that would be expected to automatically match will remain in the Intake table.
This is due to the fact that, upon importing, the library system begins the process of sequentially checking each record to see if it already exists as a borrower and then merges it if it does. If the system encounters a conflict where a record contains a logon name already taken by a different existing borrower, this halts the matching process and the remaining records will then remain within the intake area.
It is therefore important to ensure that any logon names are not taken by any existing borrowers (except for the borrower that you are intending to update) before importing a CSV file containing logon names.