Exporting a CSV - Arbor
Tip: Streamline your student data management with Intake. Find out more here.
You can export a CSV file from Arbor which can be imported directly into the library system.
Starting Out
Arbor features a creation wizard which allows you to create a file that can be easily imported into your library system.
- From the main screen of Arbor select 'School' from the menu bar at the top of the page and select 'Custom Report Writer' from the menu.
- Select the green 'Create New Report' button from the top right of the page.
- Select the green 'Create New Report' button from under the 'Create New Report' header.
This will take you to the wizard.
Creation Wizard
You will now be at step one of the creation wizard.
- Set a title and subject for the report (we recommend a title of 'Students') and select the 'Students' radio button.
- Set a date range, you need to import all borrowers currently at the school so ensure that you put a suitable date range to allow all students to be included.
- Set the columns that you wish to be in the file. There are 7 that are mandatory, these are:
- Forename
- Surname
- Date of Birth
- Year Group
- Tutor Group
- Gender
- Some form of unique identifier such as a 'Management System ID' number or an 'Admission number'.
- There are also a number of other optional fields that can be imported such as Address, Email, Logon details and Parent/Guardian details.
- On the left-hand side of the screen you can search for column titles in the search box or scroll through the list and select the columns you need. Drag and drop these into the right-hand side. A slide over may appear after you have added a column, allowing you to set parameters for the column. For example when selecting date of birth you can show only students born between certain dates. Remember that we need all on-roll students so if you choose this do not narrow the search too much. If you change your mind about a column you can press the bin icon on the right to remove it.
- You can reorder the columns but it is not necessary to do so.
- You can sort the columns alphabetically or chronologically, this is also not needed.
- You can also filter the data, as mentioned above the file needs to contain all on-roll students so ensure this filter is applied but no more narrow than this.
- You can also add grouping, this is also not required.
Your report is now ready to be viewed.
Downloading and Editing
Now that you are viewing the report, you need to download it and edit the headers so that they can be imported correctly into the library system.
- On the right-hand side select 'Download'.
- From the menu select 'CSV'.
- Once the CSV has been downloaded find it and right click it.
- Select 'Open with' from the menu and select 'notepad'.
- Now you need to change the top line of the CSV so that the library system can understand the data. What fields you have brought across will depend on what you selected in step 3 of the creation wizard. The seven mandatory fields need to read like this:
- 'Forename,Surname,Gender,ManagementSystemID,YearGroup,TutorGroup,DateOfBirth'.
- They do not have to be in any specific order, but they do need to be spelt exactly like this and as you can see, no spaces between the words or after the commas. If you have opted to import any extra data in step 3 of the wizard they will also need to be changed.
- Now save the CSV and close notepad.
When you come to import the CSV file, select the 'WBLS' option when prompted.