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Featured Author

Featured Author promotes some of the most popular and prominent authors of children's and young adult's literature. The author will display in the Featured Author section of the Promotions widgit on the homepage.

Clicking the 'See more about this author' link will load the author's page where students can see all resources in your system by this author, other books they may also be interested in if they are a fan of this author, and any Meet the Author videos of the author in question. 

Featured Author can be turned on and off from the customisable homepage settings. 

If left unconfigured, it will randomly pick and display an author from the list of available authors. Alternatively you can pick from the list and add them to a list of your own, you can then activate them as you wish. 

To customise the list, log into the library system as an administrator and load the Management page. 

From the menu bar at the top of the page, select 'Settings' and then select 'Module Settings' and 'Social Settings' from the list. Next, select the 'Home Screen' tab and finally the 'Change' button next to Featured Author.

Here you can add new featured authors by clicking 'Add...' then selecting an author from the list and clicking 'OK'.

You can also remove authors from the list by selecting them in the list and clicking 'Delete'.

You can activate a new author by selecting them in the list and clicking 'Activate'.

You can move authors up and down the list by selecting them in the list then using the up and down arrows. 

When you are happy with the list, press the 'OK' button to save the changes. 

Note that the Featured author will never automatically update to the next one after a set period of time, activating them yourself is the only way for a new featured author to be shown on the homepage.