Fines and Statements
Not all libraries use fines but once the fine rate has been set, fines can be enabled or disabled as needed. They are then repaid, waived and more from within circulate. Even when fines are disabled it is still be possible to make charges on a borrower's account in Circulate and charge for resources when marking as missing in either Circulate or Management.
The total fine is determined when a resource is returned. This is calculated based on the number of days the resource was overdue multiplied by the fine rate of the resource. For example, a resource with a fine rate of 10p that is 10 days overdue, when the resource is returned will have the fine of £1.00.
Note that if you use lock restrictions on a resource, the fine details will be pulled from the resource lock restrictions. If they are disabled, no fine will be applied, if they are different from the global fine settings, the fine on the resource record will be used.