Last Barcode Number Used
To find out the last barcode number you used, you need to use a page view and change the sort order.
Within the Management window, open the 'Resource' or 'Borrower' table, depending on the last barcode you would like to know and click the 'More...' option within the 'Views' section of the Management window.
In the 'Views' window click on the 'New' button and click 'Yes' once the confirmation window pops up.
Enter a description for your new view and click on the 'Record Selection' tab. At the bottom of the next page click 'Change' under 'Sort Order'.
Next, within the 'Available Fields' section select 'Barcode' and click on the 'Right' arrow. 'Barcode' will now appear in the 'Selected Fields' section. Click on the 'Barcode' entity so it is highlighted followed by clicking 'Ascending/Descending' at the bottom of the window until it shows as 'Barcode (Ascending)' if it does not already. Next click the 'Up' arrow to move the 'Barcode (Ascending)' entity to the top of the list. Click 'OK' to return to the 'Record Selection' window.
Confirm the changes you have made are present. Click 'Save' to return to the 'Views' window.
Next, double click on your new page view to load it, the last barcode number used will now be displayed at the top of the 'Barcode' column.