Leavers Mixed with On-Roll Borrowers
When carrying out a borrower update, it is vital that leavers are removed first. Failure to do so would result in the leavers being mixed in with your current on-roll students.
Fortunately there is a way to remedy this.
If you know which borrowers are leavers, you can just remove them manually, one at a time.
This is the more time consuming way, but if you don't have too many, it may still be more convenient.
En Masse
The way to remove them in bulk, is to merge all tutor groups into one large "For removal" tutor group, then obtain a new CSV from your management system and import it into the intake table. It will match each record in the CSV with their record in the borrowers table, and pull them out of the "For removal" group and into their correct groups. You can then remove the "For removal" group to the recycled records section, thus removing all leavers that are left behind in that group.