Navigating Management
You may find that how to navigate the new management page has changed. The menu bar at the top of the page, and the icons down the left hand side have been merged into the menu bar, the settings menu and the 'My Account' option.
Menu Bar
The new menu bar at the top of the page now contains most of the links previously down the left-hand side of Management. You can navigate to the Resources, Borrowers, Tutor Groups, Current and Past Loans, Reservations, Reviews and Statements all from the first few links of the menu bar.
The next few links are the most used features of management.
- Reporting covers reports and the dashboard.
- The News, Intake and Output tables.
- The Moderation, Stock Check, Reading list and Wishlist areas.
- Labels only covers Card print and Label Styles (Label Print must be done from the 'Records' area of the relevant table).
- Templates covers Dispatch Documents, Reminders and Statements and Reviews.
- Lookup is Classifications, the Custom Catalogue, Data Cleanse, Floor Plans, MARC tags and Subjects.
Help/Settings Menu
The help menu is similar to the help option in the previous Management.
The settings menu contains the remaining management tasks.
- OPAC contains the book of the week interface, new arrivals/most popular, links, the cloud and the social settings.
- Management is similar to the old Settings menu, it contains the Calendar, General Settings, Barcodes, Discovery, External Sources, Fields, Languages, Printing, Reservations and Restrictions.
- Security is similar the old security menu, it contains group, user and password manager.
- Integrations contains all links to other systems, Identity Providers (SSO), ClickView, Overdrive and SIP2.
- Maintenance contains the Audit log and the Scheduler.
My Account
The 'My Account' option in the very top-right will allow you to change your password and the appearance of the Management page. From here you can also close Management and return to the homepage.